Melbourne ar alltsa Australiens andra storsta stad, vi var ute lite igar och det ar verkligen stort. Kanns faktiskt som det ar mycket storre an Sydney. Anledningen till att vi akte var for att flygbiljetterna hit kostar minst 4000 kr egentligen eftersom det ar sa nara jul, men vi fick en for halften sa mycket ungefar och vi akte igar natt sa vi gjorde det, eftersom att vi ska vara har och ga pa Sensation pa nyar sa ar det bast att vara pa ratt stalle.
Mer bilder kommer senare pa Melbourne och fran Darwin.
Dear Sanne ja nu är då bonde söker fru över !! well like you said so good? shit program !!. I think your experience with picking fruit is over and dead !! well dear sanne its in Persson family I and my older brothers we had to pick potatoes all summer in around 1960 but ok we where not 18 or 19 years old doing it so its in the crazy family persson but lets call that F history ok !! for ever and ever . Well we are going to your dad and mother castle for Christmas lunch I do hope that we can get hold off that bloody Mandel that you and your smart brother same how always get!!
More up dating off news from the international desk off little Benkt will come next week . I must just tell you that your Farmor Ruth is working very hard as asst Manager here in the Café in Gasverksgatan 25 oh shit all I here is OH my back but shit she is happy but I now she miss cooking bloody pancakes to you !!
Ok Sanne will be back next week you be good and take good care off you self .
Hej från international city off Helsingborg
Benkt Persson
Copy asst Manager café famor !!
Dear Sanne down there!! I will do this letter or mail to you in total English as you by now is so bloody good at English I don’t have so much news from last mail to you!! But Bonde söker fru shit what a programme HEY!! I think this Christmas will be very tropical here in Helsingborg well!! I don’t think it will be any snow!! I do now that Farmor is doing wery well as ASST Manager off the world famous Café Ladouce here in Gasverksgatan 25 she is very good when guest complaints about food and service she just tells them that if you don’t like it DON’T COME BACK!! Wow and many guests are now staying away!! But ok she is a very good asst manager. Helsingborgs stad wants to give here a Price for out standing personality off the year!! Yes all good here!! Weel Sanne as for me I am going to se the end off Bonde söker fru !!
Dear Sanne a very Happy Christmas and one hell off good New year to you and all the other down there!!
Copy Asst Manager Ladouce Café Farmor !! And little Benkt
Helsingborg 20/12/2008
God Jul! :)